Letting the world help us design and build our "Dream Home."

My Army career is winding down after 23+ years and we've decided to live in Texas. Now it's time to build the house of our dreams...but we've never done this. So we want (need) the best and freshest ideas to build the home we'll live and raise our family in. WELCOME and thanks for your help.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Meeting with Passive House Jake today

Couldn't resist taking the pic of the rising sun against the ridge...way in the distance are two homes.  Our lot is right between them.  Beautiful view from the Corps of Engineer land.

Oh by the way, today is my first day to report to the new assignment so exercise is over. Time to take a shower.

Excited to meet Jake who I referred to in the Passive House blog.


  1. Jake, if you're reading this, both Jen and I really enjoyed meeting you. We knew we were clicking (one does need to "click with their designer" I assume) when we agreed that having a fireplace while nice looking was perhaps an inefficient gaping open hole out of the Passive House. Look forward to future meetings and the picks and floor plan will soon be on their way.

  2. oh...Jake's company website is at:
