Letting the world help us design and build our "Dream Home."

My Army career is winding down after 23+ years and we've decided to live in Texas. Now it's time to build the house of our dreams...but we've never done this. So we want (need) the best and freshest ideas to build the home we'll live and raise our family in. WELCOME and thanks for your help.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Houzz - a great App to help us say "this is what we like"

I cam across Houzz while looking at another app (Flipboard) on my daughter's iPad.  Exploring and surfing begets more discovery, indeed.

This app is great because as we see photos that best show what we like from a design or architecture, we simply add the photo to our Idea Book with a caption if we desire.

This new button to your right links you to our Houzz profile where you can see those pics.

Houzz updates with new ideas all the time so I expect our Idea Book to expand so check back often.

I think this will help a lot as we try to describe what we like to others involved with our project.

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