Letting the world help us design and build our "Dream Home."

My Army career is winding down after 23+ years and we've decided to live in Texas. Now it's time to build the house of our dreams...but we've never done this. So we want (need) the best and freshest ideas to build the home we'll live and raise our family in. WELCOME and thanks for your help.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Back from Afghanistan...time to get serious on this house now

I'll be back in Texas tomorrow after a beautiful drive through the Shenandoah Valley and to the southern end of the Appalachian Mtns.  In Vicksburg now and cross into Louisiana tomorrow for the long home stretch.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home!!!! Get settled in Texas, spend time with family then come down and see us. I read your article on passive haus with interest. Sealing the interior makes all the difference. Did I mention we haven't paid an electric bill since March? Anyway, glad you are back. Good luck with the design and build!

    Karen Cripe
