Letting the world help us design and build our "Dream Home."

My Army career is winding down after 23+ years and we've decided to live in Texas. Now it's time to build the house of our dreams...but we've never done this. So we want (need) the best and freshest ideas to build the home we'll live and raise our family in. WELCOME and thanks for your help.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

I'm still here!

Sorry for the lack of writing.  I've had some internet...deficiencies.  And, I've been away in Kandahar for a bit.  Now I know Texas is hot right now, but Kandahar is HOT.  106 degrees, but a dry heat!  But, dry heat really doesn't matter with 20-30 pounds of body armor and a helmet.  Still, I know there are so many Soldiers who day in, day out are carrying on in these conditions - absolutely amazing that young Americans choose to serve like they do. 

If you read the last blog, I think you'll see I'm nudging toward the Austin Energy Green Building Rating system...LEED just seems more complicated than it needs to be.

Oh by the way, I used to fly these...but this year's job allows me to be just a passenger...sigh.

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