Letting the world help us design and build our "Dream Home."

My Army career is winding down after 23+ years and we've decided to live in Texas. Now it's time to build the house of our dreams...but we've never done this. So we want (need) the best and freshest ideas to build the home we'll live and raise our family in. WELCOME and thanks for your help.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

We're back in business! New designer and a great meeting with an innovator.

As you can tell by my sparse writing, I was in a bit of a lull and that really was mostly to do with changing designers...

Jen and I are now with Curtis Cook Residential Designs from Salado (http://curtiscookdesigns.com/) and all we can say is that working with Curtis has been marvelous.  Jen is especially happy with the back and forth dialogue that has made our plan right for us.  The layout is very much like we set in an earlier post.

Timing on construction will now be difficult and it's hard to see how building by this summer is feasible.  So many pros and cons: take time and do right...risk of interest rate rising.  More to follow on this.

Now the innovator...I attended the ImagineSolar open house yesterday.  Many of you know that I desire to get into the renewable energy field after my military career is over.  So, I always wanted our home to have some renewable and energy efficiency features that could help me learn and demonstrate to others.

The open house was enjoyable and I sat next to Shey Sabripour, who is the president and CEO of Altumaxis Technologies (altum- latin for sustain; axis - point of pivot...nice).  A 24 year veteran of the Space Systems industry, he has now innovated his own company dedicated to smart home design using demonstrated technologies from the space industry.  I love to meet entrepreneurs.

Now a consultant to many of Austin's renowned designers and architects, I see a bright future for Altumaxis.  America's strength is innovation and application of technologies for the next level of energy efficiency will be important.

My chance meeting with Shey was a good reminder for me that I wanted to incorporate solar PV and other technologies with best rate of return on investment to achieve lowest possible cost of ownership.  So maybe my project delay is going to give Jen and me the time to find the highest value innovations and get them built during construction.

Check out Altumaxis at http://altumaxis.com/